Thursday, March 1, 2012

8th grade-MOSAIC

8th grade has been busy working on their CD mosaics.  I let them choose their subject matter this semester, and some did choose to do landscapes (like last semester did), but others took off and running and created some pretty amazing works of art!  With the Hunger Games movie coming out soon, my 3rd period class has created a lot of work based on the novels.  The “mockingjay” pin is represented below.  It is absolutely INCREDIBLE!

 art 008 art 009

art 010 art 011art 013 art 012

7th grade VALUE

It’s a new semester and a whole new group of students have entered the Art Room.  We are working through the same Elements as last semester, and my 7th grade has been busy working with VALUE.  Here is a view of last semesters work with a brief explanation of why/what we were doing. 

The images below are amazing examples of what is going on in the room!

art 005 art 001 art 002 art 004

A brief glimpse at the work done using oil pastels.  Just like last semester, I would say the two examples are a huge success!

art 003art 007