Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Camouflage hands

8th graders created camouflaged hand paintings--they loved creating this assignment and the results turned out amazing!!

They began by creating the background in paint--the next class period they painted their (non-dominant) hand into the painting--creating a cohesive work of art.  Couldn't be more proud!

Inspired by Mini Matisse

Friday, September 6, 2013

Observational drawing-7th grade

For the first assignment focusing on value, 7th grade students have been working on observational drawings of a hat, stuffed animal or a shoe.  The goal of the assignment is to create a drawing that is in proportion, and includes at least 4 shades from the value scale.  Students usually struggle with their drawings, but I think the examples below did a great job!

Elements of Art-7th grade

7th grade has started out the year by creating an assignment illustrating the Elements of Art.  The two shown below are great examples! Way to go ladies!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Grade 7 & 8 Art Show

I am so proud of the work my students have completed this year. I love displaying the work in the lobby for all of the students and faculty to see. Students should be very proud of what they have accomplished-I know I am!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Graffiti inspired water colors

7th grade was finishing up their value unit. For the final assignment I decided to have the subject of their work be graffiti inspired. Students love the look of graffiti letters! After teaching them how to create a simple "bubble" letter, students had to create some sort of background and then use watercolor to demonstrate value. I would say that 95% of the students did a phenomenal job! I was really proud of their work and the results.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bulletin board

I've been trying to figure out a way to make art history accessible to middle school students. I saw this idea online and had to make it for my room. My goal is to change the artist monthly (if not sooner). I am also going to try and relate the artist to the assignments happening in the room. Currently my 8th graders are working on an assignment "inspired" by the artist Chuck Close.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Duck tape Art

For the last assignment in 8th grade students creat duck tape "paintings." They start with a printed out image and create a grid as a guide. On their canvas boards they create the same grid that is 4 times the size. Once they finish their drawing they start to use the duck tape to add their color. They all have done a great job and love the process. Below are some works in progress and finished pieces.

After the work was completed many chose to create roses--the couple bottom pictures are students at work!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


7th graders have been working on calligrams in class the past couple days. The goal of the assignment was to create a drawing using only words. They are turning out AMAZING, I just had to share.

Friday, January 4, 2013


In the Junior High School I like to do an introduction to clay, so students that are interested in working 3 dimensional will have the experience. We don't have a kiln in the JHS, so we have to use self-hardening clay. I teach them about slab and coil technique, but instead of learning about glazing-we just use acrylic paint to add color. Below are some nice examples of the finished work and some in progress. There is no requirement for what they have to make, other than having slab and coil demonstrated.