Friday, December 21, 2012
Snowflakes for Sandy Hook
Welcome students to a Winter Wonderland
When school resumes for Sandy Hook, it will be in a new building. Parent-volunteers are working to ensure that the students are welcomed back by a winter wonderland with the entire school decorated with as many unique snowflakes as possible. We encourage senders to be as creative as possible, remembering that no two snowflakes are alike. Please make and send snowflakes by January 12, 2013 to the Connecticut PTSA.
The junior high school spent the morning before break creating many beautiful snowflakes. It makes me so proud to see my students giving back to the community.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Value Still Life
While I was on maternity leave at the beginning of the school year, my long term substitute started a still life with my 8th graders. I have 2 life skills students in my one class, so the assignment illustrated below is an adapted lesson for them (which I love so much I will most likely use for all my students next semester).
My long term substitute printed out a black and white image of a still life. The students cut out different shades of the same color and glued directly on top of the printed image resulting in what you see below---they look AMAZING! I can’t get over how good they look, so impressed and inspired to do this lesson again.
Friday, December 7, 2012
8th grade Silhouette Paintings
Work in progress |
Monday, December 3, 2012
Complementary Color Wheels
In 7th grade we are reviewing the color wheel. Students first worked on a color wheel worksheet filling in each piece using colored pencils. They chose 8 colors they wanted for their final drawing and began their complementary color wheel which is shown below. Instead of just creating a plain colored background, students practiced shading with colored pencils. The objects were later colored in the complementary color inside the triangle (make sense?) Just for review here is a link to a color wheel (scroll down the page a bit)-the complement is directly parallel.
Parkesburg Today
I’m honored to have my little old website featured in Parkesburg Today. Click on the link to check out the article about the arts at Octorara Junior High School.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Value/Op Art Hands
I’ve just returned from maternity leave and got my 8th graders started on a small VALUE assignment. The goal of this assignment was to make their hands appear to be popping forward. Students used their colored pencils to create dark and light tones--I think their work was pretty successful!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Line Portraits
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Figure Drawings
Thursday, March 1, 2012
8th grade-MOSAIC
7th grade VALUE
It’s a new semester and a whole new group of students have entered the Art Room. We are working through the same Elements as last semester, and my 7th grade has been busy working with VALUE. Here is a view of last semesters work with a brief explanation of why/what we were doing.
The images below are amazing examples of what is going on in the room!
A brief glimpse at the work done using oil pastels. Just like last semester, I would say the two examples are a huge success!